Friday, January 9, 2015

Gummy Smile Correction Treatments

Gummy smile is condition that exposes an abnormal amount of gingival when you smile. This may have a pessimistic impact on your smile. A beautiful smile is everything that changes your overall appearance. Reasons behind every gummy smile is different.

Possible Causes 
* Hyperactivity of the muscle that controls the movement of upper lip resulting in the upper lip to rise        more than normal.
* Excess gum tissue.
* Jaw and the upper lip are joined very closely
* Small or undersized teeth

Treatments for gummy smile
Botox injections
This injection is used to paralyse the muscles of upper lip. This procedure ensures that the upper lip does not lift too much thus revealing your gums when you smile. The effect of the injection last for 4-9 months.

Gingivectomy is the process of removing excess gum tissue and increasing the surface area of teeth. This procedure is also known as gingivoplasty.

Myotomy Operation
This process is provided by a plastic surgeon under local anesthesia. Myotomy surgery is performed to weaken the muscle between upper lip and gum, and this will takes only an hour.

Cosmetic Dentistry
Cosmetic surgery is one of the other method to increase the surface area of teeth by attaching crowns, if the teeth are too small compared to gum.

At Dr. Mukul Dabholkar’s Dental clinic, our team of dentists will determine the exact cause of the problem during initial consultation. In order to get a pleasing end result the most important step is a professional and accurate examination. We provide a wide range of cosmetic as well as dentistry options for correcting gummy smile.

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